07587 134589

Happy St George’s Day!

A belated Happy St George’s Day!

Our patron saint is celebrated as much in Tunbridge Wells and the wider area of Kent as other parts of the UK.

Perhaps with this lockdown, it’s a perfect opportunity to find out more about our patron saint. Discover the legend about how he freed the king’s daughter by slaying the dragon with a lance and then gave gifts given to him (by the king) to the local inhabitants.

If you have no idea about this – look it up! There’s a lot to read about the St George legend, who is the patron saint of several countries. And while you are reading about him: here’s a thought. Have you ever considered becoming St George?

That’s right. It takes a brave soul to tackle a blazing beast. Fortunately you can snare him in his lair before the revolting, fearsome reptile emerges. Picture a chimney fire as that flaming dragon. Once the dragon is loose, it’s a difficult fight. But if you get rid of him first, you’ve won. Booking a chimney sweep is a perfect method for snaring a chimney fire in its lair. Regular sweeping of soot blockages and careful inspection of chimney flues (as offered to customers by Kent’s friendly chimney sweep, James the Sweep) will deter any fires.

Indoor fires are a popular method of heating right now. Everyone’s indoors and that chilly nip is just right to bring cheerful gladness into homes. Especially as we are so inunated with doom and gloom about this Covid-19 virus.

Lockdowns are being lifted across Europe and measures will become easier here at some point. Why not make a booking ahead? Talk to James the Sweep about your best options. Call him now on 07587 134589.