07587 134589

When’s the right time to sweep your chimney?

Now! That’s when you should book a chimney sweeping appointment with me (James the Chimney Sweep) if you live in Royal Tunbridge Wells, Southborough, Tonbridge, Maidstone, Sevenoaks, Pembury, Orpington, Paddock Wood or Crowborough. I am the master chimney sweep for the Tunbridge Wells area.

Why? For the simple reason that we’re heading right into Autumn. Yes, there’s been sunny days and no doubt, you’ve read about the hottest days ever recorded, etc, in the national media. But the leaves are beginning to fall, and you will definitely be needing to use your indoor fire soon… Bonfire (Guy Fawkes) night… pre festive (Covid friendly events)… Christmas & New Year. It’s all lining up in front of you! Festivities in Tunbridge Wells are nearly here!

Nothing beats the comfort and warmth of a woodburner when there’s a nip in the air. It really cheers people up and gives a wonderful atmosphere of positivity. We really need that at the moment with all the doom and gloom in the news about the Covid pandemic. An indoor fire is a physical reminder that life is good because it provides real life comfort. You can see it, you can feel its embrace – and you can enjoy solid, high quality family times around your fireplace.

Getting your chimney flue swept is essential for you to use your woodburner, open fire, or even gas fire, safely. It sounds serious but the whole point is for your to use your indoor fire with peace of mind. Safety is such an important aspect to family life. Sweeping a chimney is key to that but how to sweep a chimney?

Surely you’ve got enough to think about then ‘how do I sweep my chimney?’ I charge only £60 to sweep your flue, and that includes a rigorous chimney and appliance inspection, tests to see if the fireplace is working properly and advice on any remedial work needed, such as the condition of the liner (if you have one). I also provide a certificate of chimney sweeping via the Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps (I’m a member of the guild), which is helpful for houeshold insurance.

Call me now on 07587 134589 and get some free advice.